What’s Yellow Souls Studio?

Yellow is our favourite color, but yellow is also the color that most represents us: creativity, openness, courage and infinite passion.

Yellow Souls Studio is our fashion vision.

We are an image consultancy, styling studio and vintage shop, we create clothes on commission and unique designs, but we are also a curator of a vintage and luxury vintage selection.

Our belief is towards more ethical, responsible and sustainable fashion and towards supporting other small businesses, designers and local artists.

We believe that inclusivity in fashion must be a priority, which is why every gender, size, age and ethnicity is welcome to work with us.

What we do?

We have a wide choice of fashion services to choose from, to meet every customer’s needs.

We offer personal styling services such as:

Color Analysis

Personal Shopping

Wardrobe Edit 

Styling for Brides

and others

Editorial And Commercial Fashion Services such as:

Fashion Styling for Photoshoots

Brand image consultancy


Fashion Writing and others


Custom Dressmaking Services

We select Vintage around Europe looking for luxury, archive and collector’s pieces

What we sell?

In our shop in Leith walk you can find a selection of luxury, archive and collector’s vintage, but you can also take advantage of a curated selection of mid-priced pieces and a year-round discount rack.

You will also find a selection of local artists and emerging designers.

A look to the future

The future of Yellow Souls Studio excites us, and we hope soon to expand, improve, grow our team, and be part of the development of the fashion industry in Edinburgh.

We have many plans and dreams and are continually grateful for the opportunities we are receiving.

Check out this space because this is only the beginning!

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